[Webinar] How Swiss luxury giant Richemont brought business demands under control: from 350 to 75 projects! Interview with Christophe Perrier-Cornet when he took over...
[Webinar] How Swiss luxury giant Richemont brought business demands under control: from 350 to 75 projects! Interview with Christophe Perrier-Cornet when he took over...
The solution that secures and accelerates the implementation of public policies. Ergonomic, collaborative software to manage your strategic plans and turn your ambitions into reality! Request a quote...
From 350 unfocused projects to a portfolio aligned with the Group's six strategic priorities How in less than 3 years, the project portfolio of the logistics department at...
Book your demo Discover VIRAGE Group software for executing your strategic plans and managing your project portfolios. A 15-minute discussion to understand...
...du numérique et des systèmes d’information Direction rattachée à la DGA Accompagnement humain, transformation et innovation 70 agents et plus de 50 prestataires 600 applications (500 métiers, 100 infrastructures) 450...
QUI SOMMES-NOUS ? Vos défis de pilotage au coeur de nos logiciels et de nos services Depuis 20 ans, ce sont plus de 200 organisations relèvent leurs défis de pilotage...
Thank you for meeting us at the PM Forum Paris! The 8th edition of the Project Management Best Practices Forum took place on Friday November 27 in Paris....
5 tips for measuring project performance To measure project performance, we use standardized concepts that are suitable for all types of project. These are...
Budget CIO : How to draw up a budget for CIO ? IT budgeting requires reflection both on existing activities, and on new IT projects...
Table ronde : Implémentation d’un outil PPM, comment transformer vos collaborateurs en utilisateurs ? Le #PMClub2020 – le club des utilisateurs des solutions de pilotage de VIRAGE Group – reprend...